Well Some Might Say That It Wasn’t True

May I start by saying how thrilled we are to have you here. We are such fans of your music and all of your records. I’m not speaking of yours personally, but the whole genre of the rock and roll and so many of the exciting things that are happening in music today.

Lt. Hookstratten (Fred Willard)

This is Spinal Tap

I highly recommend any movie directed by Christopher Guest.  They will make you laugh out loud.  This is Spinal Tap captures a lot of the hilarious aspects of being in a band. While The Alder Fork isn’t strictly a band there has been a great deal of collaboration on this album.

NOTLD was written for my old band, Pinstripe Mystery, and is my favourite song from those days.  This song involves the most other people directly and indirectly of any song on the album.  I am especially indebted to Dave for his efforts on this one (have I mentioned his photography blog? Check it out!).
The title is an obvious reference to the classic film Night of the Living Dead but the song has absolutely nothing to do with zombies.  The band just happened to be watching the movie on the day I first presented the song to them.  But now it has returned to life after it, and all the other songs of
Pinstripe Mystery seemed to have died.  This song is probably the most straight ahead rock song I have ever written. Lyrically it is about a complex relationship between two people, and the secrets that they keep.



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